Montreal etc

Well, we’ve been walking our feet right off in Montreal, trying to see as much as possible. It’s really quite an interesting city. Lots to see and do and plenty of european-ness to keep us happy. We like a good 400 year old building (well, at least one that looks that old). We are heading out to a bunch more museums in a moment, but I thought I would try keep our loyal fans interested with a little update. Keep you in the loop, so to speak.

Yesterday we did the biodome, the Insectorium, Stadium Olymipique, late lunch at 3 Brassareurs (including an award-winning brown beer for me and a not-pizza pizza – interesting), some strolling of the very cafe/restaurant/charming rue St Denis and a fair amount of undergrounding to get to all these places.

New Years eve was pretty nice too. Lots of trying not to pass out with tiredness while inside, plenty of trying not to get frostbite on our noses while outside, and even more people than both those things put together (yes, you can add “not frostbite” to “not passing out”. Common units. Try to keep up, people!). It’s our first city street new years party complete with live band and fireworks and the post-countdown crush. Photos will follow soon, but I am getting the feeling I’m holding up Claire and need to go see some stuff.

That is all.

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